[schema type="event" evtype="BusinessEvent" url="https://www.globalintelligence.com/conferences/gia-conference-dusseldorf-may-13-15-2013/gia-conference-dusseldorf/" name="GIA Conference 2013: How to Achieve World Class Market Intelligence" description="The GIA Conference is a premium event that inspires thinking and one that will help you develop your market intelligence program to World Class levels. Join us and meet strategic market intelligence leaders, practitioners and international business professionals from various industries, providing unique opportunities to make new contacts." sdate="2013-05-13" edate="2013-05-15" street="Königsallee 59" city="Düsseldorf" postalcode="40215 " country="DE" ]
Vom 13. bis 15. Mai findet in Düsseldorf die GIA Conference 2013 statt. Das Veranstaltungsmotto lautet “How to Achieve World Class Market Intelligence”. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Konferenz stehen die immer wichtiger werdenden Themen „Market Intelligence“ und „Competitive Intelligence“. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen oder Organisationen, die in irgendeiner Art mit Marktanalysen, Wissensmanagement oder Trendanalysen zu tun haben. Anzumerken ist, dass diese Konferenz ausschließlich dem Wissensaustausch gewidmet ist, d.h. es gibt keine Rahmenprogramm mit Messeständen oder andere Events.
Das Tagungsprogramm bietet u.a. folgende Vorträge und Workshops:
Montag, 13. Mai 2013
Pre-conference Workshops
Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013
10.00 - 10.30 Joost Drieman, Vice President Intelligence Best Practices at Global intelligence Alliance: “Worldwide Benchmarks: 2013 Global Market Intelligence Survey Results”
11.45 - 12.30 Daniel Cho, Head of Market Intelligence and New Product Introduction at Philips Healthcare; Daniel Canter, Senior Manager Knowledge Management and Market Intelligence at Philips, Global Business & Market Intelligence: “More with Less: Optimize and expand your intelligence for greater impact”
Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013
9.45 - 10.30 Bernhard Bruhn, Business Development Powertools; Dr. Marc Jost-Benz, Head of Market Research at Bosch Power Tools: “Current and future challenges in market intelligence at Bosch Power Tools”
11.00 - 12.00 Interactive Roundtable Sessions - Round 1
Track 1: Social Media: The impact, how to cope with it, how to use it for better insights
(Facilitators: Annelies Verhaeghe, Head of Research Innovation at InSites Consulting, and Ville Vanhala, Senior Vice President at GIA)
Track 3: Competitive Intelligence: How to understand the competition and anticipate competitive moves (Facilitators: Luc Rooms, Head of the Market Analysis & Management Reporting at Belgacom, and Hans Hedin, Vice President, Business Development at GIA)
Weitere Infos zu dieser Veranstaltung gibt es unter https://www.globalintelligence.com/conferences/gia-conference-dusseldorf-may-13-15-2013/gia-conference-dusseldorf/